Inquirers Sessions

Three times a year we offer an inquirer’s group for those who are looking for a faith community and have expressed interest in First Lutheran. We meet three Sundays for lunch from 12:15 to 1:30 pm for conversation. One young couple shared that they so enjoyed these gatherings that they became part of why they chose First Lutheran as their faith community.  We find that those who participate in these sessions become integrated into the community since from the start they get to know one another and members of the community.  Each inquirer is paired with a church member who serves as their intentional nurturer.

We consider everyone who enters the doors of the church building a member of the body of Christ and a partner in ministry.  We don’t treat people differently if they become official members.  Membership does allow one to be elected to leadership and vote, but that’s not why we invite.  We invite you into membership because we believe when we make public our desire to be part of a faith community, we are making a promise to grow in our relationship with Christ, and we as a community of faith are in turn making a promise to you that we will be partners with you on that journey.  We believe promises do change relationships and make a difference in our lives.

To sign up for the next session, email the office at or Candy Madich at

First Lutheran Church

1100 E. Superior St.

Duluth, MN 55802

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