How We Worship

Worship Services

We aspire to have worship be one of those thin places where divine and human intersect.  We value good preaching, wondrous music, the liturgical seasons and high holy days, blessings for our daily lives, and worship that enlivens us.  We seek to be creative and engaging of all our senses.  We invite everyone to participate, if they so desire.  People come as they are—some dress up, some come in jeans.  We are happy that people come and hope they leave having tasted God and inspired to live as Christ’s people in the world.

Holy Communion

Gathering at the table every week is central to who we are- Here we receive Christ’s forgiveness and presence given for us.  Here we experience a foretaste of the feast to come. Here we become what we eat: the body of Christ broken and given for the world.  Here we receive sustenance for the journey ahead.

We practice an open table—everyone is welcome to receive.

We, as Lutherans, believe Christ is present in, with, and under the bread and wine.  Children are welcomed to receive prior to any instruction with their parents’ acceptance.  It is common to see toddlers receiving communion at First Lutheran.  Those who do not want to receive may receive a blessing.

Participatory Worship

Everyone is welcome to share in leading worship; we all have a role to play not just the clergy! What joy there is in serving!  Our goal is to have everyone play a part in this great drama of forgiveness, grace, and divine love come down to earth. Offer to read the lessons, serve communion, light the candles, assist at the altar, or carry the cross. We invite participation not perfection unless it’s the perfection of accepting imperfection with grace. You don’t need to be a member to participate!

Ways to be involved:



Welcomes people at the doors and directs them to sanctuary, welcome desk, bathrooms



Organizes altar servers, helps make sure all parts are covered for the morning

Caring minister

Caring minister

Takes communion to those who cannot be present



Reads passages from the Bible to the assembly

Assisting minister

Assisting minister

Offers prayers, helps serve communion, joins the pastor as the principal leaders of worship



Welcomes people into the sanctuary, hands out worship bulletins, gathers the offering, directs people to communion



Lights candles, carries them in processions, acts as crucifer (carries the cross), gathers offering and helps serve communion

Radio sponsor

Radio sponsor

Make a donation to support our radio broadcast that reaches those who cannot worship in person.

Altar guild

Altar guild

Set up the altar for communion or clean up after service.

Flower donor

Flower donor

Make a donation for the flowers that enhance our worship.

Coffee host

Coffee host

Serve coffee, tea and treats following Sunday services



Sing or play a musical instrument for a service; join the 1st service choir or 2nd service band

First Lutheran Church

1100 E. Superior St.

Duluth, MN 55802

Map & Directions


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