Our Mission

God’s Mission Through FLC

We are the church found between the city and the “sea”: we celebrate God’s good creation and our role of stewards within it; we seek the care of our neighbor and justice for all the city’s inhabitants.

We seek to welcome everyone as created in God’s image and as partners with us in this mission of

Growing in faith, spreading God’s love, and gathering in community


We believe growing in faith is a life-long journey where we never fully arrive. We continually grow and deepen through asking questions and pondering Scripture together. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus the Christ?

Green is for the seeds nurtured and growing


As the letter of I John says, “God is love.” We believe spreading God’s love for all people near and far is our calling. “Love your neighbor,” Jesus commands, “as you love yourself.”

Red is for the Spirit who sends us out into the world


We are created in and for community. We gather each week around water, word, and meal to be reminded of whose we are and of how we are called to live. Gathering in community we receive the power to go forth to bring healing to a broken world.

Blue is for the waters of baptism through which we are made one in Christ

FLC Vision and Mission

First Lutheran Church

1100 E. Superior St.

Duluth, MN 55802

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