Daily Devotion – May 8, 2020

Food for the Wilderness
Daily Devotion
May 8, 2020
Karen Sande, Director of Music Activities

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What a contradictory time we’re living through right now! In the midst of life we are in death – these ancient words from the Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal) funeral liturgy ring true in a way most of us have not experienced in our lifetimes. Along with grief at the devastating loss of life, as well as economic implications and interruptions to our lives, I’m full of sadness that we cannot meet to worship and make music as usual, now and perhaps for many months to come. Yet I’m full of hope and joy at stories of caring people doing good things, and the coming of spring! Here are two choral pieces which I love, one which speaks of the dark night of the soul and one which speaks of wonder of God’s creation:

Requiem, by Eliza Gilkyson, arranged for choir by MN native Craig Hella Johnson. In 2011 the choir of Oak Grove Lutheran High School in Fargo gave a concert and sang for worship at FLC, soon after a tsunami in Japan occurred. Several Japanese exchange students, whose families were impacted, were in the choir, and so this anthem was added to their tour repertoire. Here is part of the text, and a link to listen:

In the dark night of the soul Bring some comfort to us all Oh mother Mary come and carry us in your embrace That our sorrows may be faced

Psalm 8: Adonai, Adonenu, by Dan Forrest. When Mike Fuchs became our director of choral activites in the fall of 2018, this was the first new anthem/new composer he introduced to our Soli Deo Gloria Choir. It is a powerful, beautiful piece; there was a hush in the sanctuary following the final notes. Originally written for treble voices, here is a link to a women’s choir version:

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You have set in place, what are mortals that You care for them, O Lord?