Earth Day – 4/22/2021

Food for the Journey
April 22, 2021
Earth Day Devotion
Pastoral Intern Logan McLean Strike

Psalm 96: 10, 12

“the Lord reigns… Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.”

Today is Earth Day! All across the world, people act on this day by planting trees, gathering to learn something new about caring for the environment, and advocating for policies that help creation resound with joy. Where does your life intersect with creation’s need for God’s new life?

Let us pray:

God of green, open our ears to hear the cries of the forest. Open our lips to praise you in the joy of our creation. Open our eyes to see the wonders of the Earth. Open our hearts and stir us to action, strengthen our resolve and empower us to stand in love for creation. Amen.  (prayer composed by students of Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, “Stewardship of Creation: 30 Days with Nature.”