Story of Faith by Andy Frey

Food for the Journey
October 1, 2020
Story of Faith by Andy Frey

Best time when I realized God was real. I have two separate answers in my experience. The first one would have to be what astronomers call “The Big Bang.” To date, no one knows what caused the big bang and the beginning of the universe, as we know it. I believe it was God that started the big bang. In Genesis God explained he created the universe and stars. I believe that was when God became real to me.

The second answer to that question would have to be seeing the sunrise in the morning and sometimes the sunset. I believe it’s a message from God sending his love for the new day and love to make it through the night.

God of the universe, God of sunrises and sunsets – we trust that you hold all of creation and all of us in your love.  We give thanks for you in the morning and place ourselves in your care each night, praying as we did as children that we might awake and take delight in the morning light.  Through Christ, we pray.  Amen.