Story of Faith by Carlene Sippola

Food for the Journey
December 3, 2020
Story of Faith by Carlene Sippola

When did I know that God was real? Where do I see God? How does God touch me in my daily life? These are questions I have heard over the last several months as prompts to write down my faith story. The overwhelming answer that comes to my mind when I ponder any of these questions is – people.

I saw God in the loving eyes of my parents and grandparents as they nurtured me and taught me about faith. I see God in my husband, children, and dear friends who I can count on to support me and love me for who I am – the good and the bad. I see God in people I don’t even know. The person who helps an elderly man put his groceries in his trunk. The person who speaks up against injustice. The person who smiles at a stranger. The person who reaches out to the underdog.

I try to live my life guided by the values I see in Jesus. And, it’s obvious to me, that many others do as well.

Lord, reveal to us the good in people, let us see their light shining through when all else feels dark. Amen.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels