Story of Faith by Claryce Swensen

Food for the Journey
December 10, 2020
Story of Faith by Claryce Swensen

The given question was “when was a moment when you knew God was real?” I have known God was real all my long life. I have no memories of ever doubting God’s existence. I know at times I have doubted God’s presence and God’s omnipotence.

For me the question is where do I find evidence in this earthly life of witness to God’s eternal love and promises? For me it has been through the community of believers that has chosen to nurture, teach, worship, rejoice and share in all the wonder of God’s creation and life. And in the fellowship that demonstrates care and concern in times of tragedy, betrayal, grief, death, illness or loss as well as in the times of joy and hope and ecstatic worship in music and word.

The First Lutheran Church community has provided the space, resources and opportunity to join actively in ministry to the witness of following Jesus. I have been privileged to share in mission and service that would be impossible on my own ability or resources. The care, concern and courage actively demonstrated through this community of believers enables me to continue to grow and journey on in Christ.

It is only through the witness of others that I learn to Do Justice, Love Mercy and walk humbly with my God. In community I continue my journey in the living Word, which for me is Christ.

God thank you for letting us know every day that you are real. Thank you for your presence even when the day is filled with doubt. Amen