Story of Faith by John Musick

Food for the Journey
February 25, 2021
Story of Faith by John Musick

I am a member of “FLC-NERCC-ONE,” a local ministry of FLC. We participate in healing circles each Saturday morning with residents of the Northeast Regional Corrections Center (NERCC). The circle process requires that everyone shares their thoughts, struggles, challenges, and hopes for the future on a totally equal basis. Everyone is invited to share whatever they wish, but no one has to participate. Starting out, my FLC colleagues and I were hesitant, not sure what to share, or even whether to share among this group of strangers, who also bore the “criminal” label.

Our hesitation was eliminated as soon as the residents began to share. The level of introspection and self-revelation they exhibited was like nothing we had ever experienced before. Big, strong men, some of whom called themselves “street fighters,” wept as they revealed their inner struggles and deep sorrow over past offenses, as well as their own pain from abuse as children. None of us had any idea how to respond or how to end the session. It was then that I knew God was real. I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, as a deep peace came over the room. Everyone just prayed, hugged, thanked each other, and wished each other well in the coming week. We left knowing that we had been  visited by the Holy Spirit.

Lord, Thank you for groups of all types we can be apart of to lend or receive support. Thank you for the ways these groups have found to be able to meet or connect during this past year. Amen