Sunday, December 27, 2020

Words to Ponder:

It’s easy to think of Jesus as divine, but what use can it be to us that Jesus as human, too? Jesus experienced the joys and sorrows, delights and pains of human life and work. Think for a moment of all the things that make up your life, and how Jesus meets you there.

Remember to have a piece or loaf a bread available to take part in Food for the Journey during worship.

This full service was prerecorded to allow for vacation time for the staff. The service will still air on the radio and premiere on YouTube, at 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning for Worship.
Live stream of the services will resume on January 10.

Join us on Sunday for the 10 a.m. service.


Please note: Due to much needed vacation for staff, Christmas Day; Sunday, December 27th and Sunday, January 3rd will be pre-recorded. We will be back to livestreaming on January 10th, our celebration of Epiphany.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Celebration of Epiphany and G.I.F.T. Sunday
Send in the names of the countries you would like to pray for and a candle will be placed on the country in prayer during the Epiphany service.

Video excerpts from Sunday's service

Videos will be available in the afternoon, following the 10AM radio service.

Sermon 12/27/2020

Time for Young Disciples 12/27/2020