Sunday, October 25, 2020

Congratulations 2020 Confirmation Students!

Words to Ponder:

What is freedom?
What does it mean to be free?

Remember to have a piece or loaf a bread available to take part in Food for the Journey during worship.

Video excerpts from Sunday's service

Videos will be available in the afternoon, following the 10AM radio service.

Announcements for upcoming weeks

Sunday, November 1

All Saints Sunday

We celebrate those who have died and been raised to new life in their baptisms this past year and those who have died and been raised to new life in Christ at their death this past year. The bulletin will include the names of those who have been baptized and those who have passed away this past year.
If you have someone in your life who was baptized or who died in the last year , who weren’t members of FLC, please let the church office know by noon on Monday, October 26 so they can be remembered during our worship service.

Remember to have a candle near to light in memory as you listen to the service.

Daylight Savings Time Ends – Turn your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night before bed.

Sunday, November 15

Pledge Sunday

Stop by the church after service to drop off your pledge card – be one of the first 60 people to stop by and receive a free baking pumpkin or a premade loaf of bread! 50 pumpkins and 10 loaves of pumpkin bread will be available while supplies last!

Sermon 10/25/2020

Time for Young Disciples 10/25/2020

Featured Song: A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Digital Coffee Hour Sundays at 11:15 a.m.

During this time of COVID-19, join us for a digital coffee hour on Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m. Bring your coffee or tea to the conversation!