“When I Knew God Was Real” Story of Faith by Bonnie Matuseski

May 11, 2020
Story of Faith by Bonnie Matuseski
“When I Knew God Was Real”
(Excerpt from Bonnie’s story, with post meditation by Pastor Dianne)

My college years were fraught with questions and doubts about Christianity. My mother would say, “Just have faith,” but I didn’t get it. I could not wrap my head around blind faith and ritual. Who was God? Then my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; he had 6 months to live. He was 63 and retiring in 6 months. We were all devastated and grieving. My little community of Wahpeton, ND stepped in to help our family. The community shoveled snow, drove my dad to Fargo every day for a month to get treatment, brought food, and mowed the lawn. It was simply incredible. I had never known such generosity, kindness and caring could be so freely given. My brain clicked – this must be a ‘God thing.’

When have you been taken aback by the generosity of others? When has your brain raised the notion- “this must be a God thing?”

O Gracious One, open our eyes that we may see you; open our mouths that we may share about You; open our hands that we may be generous towards our neighbors. Through Christ — Amen.