Food for the Journey – 5/13/2021

Food for the Journey
Pastor Dianne O. Loufman
Ascension Day
May 13, 2021

Today, forty days after Easter, the church celebrates the Ascension.  I remember our son Per asking me about the seasons of the church year when he was probably 13-14.  We were sitting in worship and I was explaining how the church year reflects the life of Jesus.  When I got to sharing how Jesus ascended to heaven, I thought, “That just sounds too weird.”  And I wondered: “How do I explain this in a way that makes any sense to my 21st century kid?”

Then it occurred to me that I had experienced what the disciples experience with Jesus when our youngest son, Per’s brother, died.  For a long time, actually longer than 40 days, Bjørn would appear to me and travel with me.  Sometimes that happened while I was working or driving home from New York to Philly.  They were hard, sorrowful days for me because I could see and sense Bjørn, but I couldn’t touch him.  It was like Jesus telling Mary Magdalene in the garden after being raised, “Do not hold me; I am ascending to my God and your God.”  I wanted to hold him but he wasn’t there in the flesh so I couldn’t.

And then one day, he was gone – ascended to God.  And no matter what I tried, I could not conjure him back up in the ways that he had appeared to me all those days.  He was gone and now lives on in a different way.

For all of you who never think of the Ascension or wonder what it has to do with anything, I think maybe it’s good to think about how loved ones who pass on leave us in stages and in different ways.  I think there is grace and hope in that.

Ascended Lord, there is so much beyond our knowing and understanding.  Free us to trust in your promises and in our confession that you are indeed the risen and ascended One drawing us and our loved ones to you.  Amen.