Sunday, May 16, 2021

Words to Ponder:

Why did Jesus have to ascend into heaven? What does this mean for the church today?

Remember to have a piece or loaf a bread available to take part in Food for the Journey during worship.


Sunday, June 6

We are planning our first In Person Worship Service for June 6, masked and distanced, no singing, communion offered, at limited capacity and possible pre-registration. Please help us by filling out this survey. Watch for more information about in person worship coming soon.

We will also be celebrating our high school and college graduates on June 6. If you or a family member is graduating, please fill out the graduate form so we can honor you!

Support of peace with justice in Palestine and Israel

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton calls for support of peace with justice in Palestine and Israel. She asks for people to write President Biden and members of Congress urging they send a message to Israel to halt the illegal removal of East Jerusalem families from their homes and respect the Status Quo agreement and holy sites in Jerusalem.

To take action go to the PNW Action Alert:

Video excerpts from Sunday's service

Sermon 5/16/2021

Time for Young Disciples 5/16/2021