Story of Faith by Mary Dontje

Food for the Journey
October 15, 2020
Story of Faith by Mary Dontje

It was the fall of 1995: I recall walking in the upper commons of First Lutheran Church through what seemed like a sea of people. We had only recently begun attending FLC and I was feeling a little lost. I was walking with my daughter Anna, who was 5 at the time, to her Sunday School classroom. A woman, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, introduced herself as Agnes Schneide (I believe that was her last name). She welcomed us to FLC and then she asked us for our names. During our brief chat she inquired as to whether Anna had a Bible or not; Anna replied she did not. It had never occurred to me to buy my child a Bible. Growing up we had family Bibles not individual Bibles. Agnes, in a very caring way, told me she would ensure Anne received a Bible. A couple of Sundays later, Agnes found us and presented Anna with a Bible. A beautiful new, shiny black Bible inscribed with Anna’s name. I was momentarily speechless. To me, this was one of the most personal gifts I could think of and it came from a person whom we had met less than a month ago. Even though the Bible was meant for my daughter, I felt it was a gift for me as well. This place of worship, First Lutheran Church was a gift; a home for our faith to grow in; to be shared alongside strangers who have become friends and God.

Welcoming God, for Agnes and all those who see us and let us know we matter with small and not so small gestures.  We are grateful.  Amen.